Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX-25P Review

Coffee enthusiasts always look for the perfect brew, especially one made at home or on the go. Enter the Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX-25P, a device that promises barista-quality coffee without needing a bulky espresso machine. Yet, does it truly meet expectations? This extensive evaluation delves into the Bellman CX-25P, scrutinizing its intricacies from design and operational mechanics to its efficacy and user-friendliness. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee fan or a casual drinker, this review aims to answer all your questions and help you decide if this is the right coffee maker.


If you’re a coffee lover, the Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX-25P is the widget you’ve been waiting for. This compact, portable espresso maker is designed to deliver a rich, authentic experience in your kitchen or even on the go. Let’s dive into what makes this little powerhouse tick and why it could be the next essential addition to your coffee arsenal.

What’s in the Box?

When you unbox the Bellman CX-25P, you’ll find:

  • The primary espresso and steamer unit: A robust, stainless steel construction that promises durability and longevity.
  • A portafilter: Essential for holding your coffee grounds and creating that perfect espresso shot.
  • Steam wand: For frothing milk to make luscious lattes and cappuccinos.
  • Pressure gauge: This is to help you monitor the brewing process and ensure optimal extraction.
  • User manual: Comprehensive and easy to follow, helping you quickly start.

Key Features

  1. Stainless Steel Build: The CX-25P is constructed from high-quality stainless steel, ensuring it’s sturdy and resistant to rust and wear. This makes it an ideal choice for both home use and travel.
  2. Portability: One of the standout features of the Bellman CX-25P is its portability. Weighing in at just over a pound, it’s light enough to take with you on camping trips, vacations, or just about anywhere you crave a good espresso.
  3. Steam Power: The integrated steam wand allows you to froth milk to perfection, giving you the ability to make professional-grade lattes and cappuccinos wherever you are.
  4. Versatile Heat Source Compatibility: This espresso machine exhibits remarkable versatility, accommodating various heat sources such as gas, electric, and portable camp stoves.
  5. Pressure Gauge: The built-in pressure gauge is a fantastic addition, letting you monitor the pressure levels to extract the best possible espresso.

Why It Stands Out

The Bellman CX-25P is more than just a portable espresso maker; it’s a testament to the art of manual espresso brewing. Unlike electric machines, which can sometimes remove the artistry from the process, the CX-25P requires a bit of finesse and skill. This hands-on approach can be advantageous, allowing you to fine-tune each shot to your taste.

For those who enjoy the ritual of making coffee as much as the coffee itself, the Bellman CX-25P offers an engaging and satisfying experience. You get to grind your beans, tamp them just right, and monitor the extraction process while fully controlling every variable.

Perfect for Enthusiasts and Beginners Alike

Whether you’re a seasoned barista or a newcomer to the espresso world, the Bellman CX-25P has something to offer. It’s an excellent way for beginners to learn espresso-making fundamentals without investing in a high-end machine. For experienced users, it allows you to hone your skills and enjoy high-quality espresso wherever you are.

Performance and Ease of Use

When it comes to performance, the Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX-25P truly shines. This little marvel is designed to deliver a rich, full-bodied espresso with a thick crema that rivals that of any high-end espresso machine. Let’s break down its performance and ease of use to see how it stacks up in various scenarios.

Brewing Performance

The CX-25P’s brewing process is straightforward yet gratifying. Here’s a step-by-step look at how it operates:

  1. Water Reservoir: Fill the main body with water to the designated mark. The reservoir can hold enough for several espresso shots depending on your preferred strength.
  2. Coffee Grounds: The fineness of the grind and the amount used will significantly impact the flavor and strength of your espresso.
  3. Heating: Place the CX-25P on a heat source. It’s compatible with gas stoves, electric burners, and even campfires, making it highly versatile.
  4. Pressure Building: As the water heats up, it creates pressure. The built-in gauge allows you to monitor this pressure, ensuring you achieve the ideal brewing conditions.
  5. Extraction: Upon achieving optimal pressure, the water forcefully permeates the coffee grounds, drawing out a flavorful, aromatic espresso.

Steaming and Frothing

One of the standout features of the Bellman CX-25P is its steam wand. The steam wand can produce a microfoam texture, which is perfect for latte art and adding a creamy mouthfeel to your drinks.

Ease of Use

Despite its manual nature, the Bellman CX-25P is user-friendly. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Simple Operation: Brewing espresso and frothing milk is straightforward, even for beginners.
  • Clear Instructions: The included user manual provides step-by-step instructions to ensure you get the best results.

Comparison with Other Espresso Makers

To give you a clearer picture of how the Bellman CX-25P stacks up against other famous espresso makers, here’s a comparison table:

Feature Bellman CX-25P AeroPress Moka Pot Nespresso Machine
Portability High High High Low
Build Material Stainless Steel Plastic Aluminum Plastic/Metal
Milk Frothing Capability Yes No No Yes
Heat Source Compatibility Gas, Electric, Campfire None (requires hot water) Gas, Electric Electric Only
Pressure Gauge Yes No No No
Ease of Use Moderate High Moderate High
Espresso Quality High Moderate Moderate High
Price Range Mid Low Low High

Why Choose the Bellman CX-25P?

  1. Versatility: Its ability to work on various heat sources makes it perfect for home use and travel.
  2. Quality: The espresso and steamed milk quality rivals that of more expensive, less portable machines.
  3. Control: Manual operation allows for fine-tuning every aspect of the brewing process, giving you complete control over your coffee.


The Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX-25P is an excellent choice for those who value quality, portability, and the art of espresso making. It’s not just a coffee maker; it’s a gateway to a richer, more rewarding coffee experience. Whether brewing at home or in the wilderness, this device ensures you never compromise on your coffee.

User Experiences and Tips

To truly gauge the worth of the Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX-25P, let’s hear from those who have made it a part of their daily coffee ritual. Here are some user experiences and practical tips to enhance your brewing adventures with this versatile espresso maker:

User Experiences

  1. Portability: Users appreciate the CX-25P’s compact size, noting its convenience for travel and outdoor use. Whether camping in the mountains or staying in a cozy Airbnb, it ensures a consistent espresso experience.
  2. Brewing Control: Enthusiasts highlight the joy of manual espresso-making with the CX-25P. Adjusting grind size, tamping pressure, and heating duration allows customized brews tailored to personal taste preferences.
  3. Steaming Capabilities: The steam wand is praised for its ability to froth milk effectively, producing creamy textures suitable for simple lattes and intricate latte art designs.

Tips for Success

  • Grind Consistency: Use a consistent grind size to achieve optimal extraction. A fine grind ensures proper pressure buildup and thorough flavor extraction.
  • Preheating: Before brewing, preheat the CX-25P to stabilize temperature and enhance extraction consistency. This step minimizes initial temperature fluctuations and contributes to a more balanced espresso flavor profile.
  • Cleaning Routine: Regular maintenance prolongs the CX-25P’s lifespan and ensures consistent performance. Clean the portafilter, steam wand, and water reservoir thoroughly to prevent residue buildup after each use.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can the Bellman CX-25P make more than one shot of espresso at a time? Though it’s designed primarily for single servings, you can brew multiple shots consecutively with careful water and coffee grounds management.
  2. Is the Bellman CX-25P suitable for beginners? Absolutely. While manual espresso makers required a learning curve, the CX-25P’s intuitive design and included, instructions make it accessible to newcomers to espresso brewing.

Tips and Advice for Using the Bellman CX-25P

Mastering the art of espresso making with the Bellman CX-25P requires a blend of technique, attention to detail, and a willingness to experiment. Here are essential tips and advice to help you get the most out of your brewing experience:

  1. Water Quality Matters

Begin by using freshly filtered water to achieve the optimal taste of your espresso. Impurities within water can significantly impact the flavor profile and diminish the overall excellence of your brew. It’s advisable to steer clear of distilled water, as it lacks essential minerals for extracting the full spectrum of coffee flavors.

  1. Grind Consistency

Consistency in coffee grind size is crucial for achieving balanced extraction and optimal flavor. For the CX-25P, a fine grind is generally recommended to maximize surface area and facilitate thorough extraction.

  1. Temperature Management

Preheating the CX-25P helps stabilize the brewing environment and ensures more predictable results. Monitor the pressure gauge to achieve the ideal temperature and pressure for extracting rich, flavorful espresso.

  1. Tamping Technique

Use a firm and level tamp, applying consistent pressure to achieve a uniform surface.

  1. Steaming Milk

For velvety microfoam and creamy textures, master the art of steaming milk with the CX-25P’s steam wand. Aim for a silky texture that enhances the flavor and appearance of your espresso-based drinks.

  1. Cleaning and Maintenance

After each use, flush the steam wand with clean water and wipe the exterior. Deep clean the portafilter and group head periodically to remove coffee oils and residues affecting taste and hygiene.

  1. Experimentation and Enjoyment

Above all, embrace experimentation and enjoy crafting espresso with the Bellman CX-25P. Share your creations with friends and fellow coffee enthusiasts to celebrate the artistry of manual espresso brewing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Bellman CX-25P

To address common queries and provide clarity on the Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX-25P, here are some frequently asked questions along with detailed answers:

Can the Bellman CX-25P make more than one shot of espresso at a time?

While primarily designed for single servings, it is possible to brew consecutive shots with careful water and coffee grounds management. This requires refilling the water reservoir and adjusting the coffee dosage accordingly.

How long does brewing espresso with the Bellman CX-25P take?

Once the water reaches the optimal temperature, expect brewing times between 3 and 5 minutes on average.

Is the Bellman CX-25P suitable for camping and outdoor use?

Absolutely! Its compact size, durable stainless steel construction, and compatibility with various heat sources make it ideal for outdoor adventures. Whether camping, hiking, or enjoying a picnic, the CX-25P ensures you can still enjoy a quality espresso.

Does the Bellman CX-25P require electricity to operate?

No, the Bellman CX-25P is a manual espresso maker that does not require electricity. It uses direct heat from gas stoves, electric burners, or campfires, offering flexibility and convenience.

How do you clean and maintain the Bellman CX-25P?

Regular maintenance is essential for optimal performance. After each use, flush the steam wand with clean water and wipe the exterior. Periodically, disassemble the portafilter and group head for a thorough cleaning to remove coffee oils and residues.

Can the Bellman CX-25P steam wand froth milk effectively?

Yes, the CX-25P’s steam wand is designed to froth milk to a silky texture suitable for lattes, cappuccinos, and other espresso-based drinks. With practice, you can achieve professional-quality microfoam for latte art.

Is the Bellman CX-25P suitable for beginners?

While manual espresso makers require a learning curve, the CX-25P’s intuitive design and included user manual make it accessible for beginners. With patience and practice, users can quickly master espresso-making with the CX-25P.


In conclusion, the Bellman Espresso & Steamer CX-25P is more than just a portable espresso maker—it’s a gateway to a richer coffee experience. Throughout this review, we’ve explored its robust performance in brewing espresso with a rich crema, effective steam wand for frothing milk to perfection, and compact size, ideal for home use and outdoor adventures. Users appreciate its ability to consistently deliver quality espresso shots, whether at home, camping, or traveling.

Moreover, the CX-25P encourages the artistry of manual espresso brewing, allowing users to tailor each cup to their preferences. From adjusting grind size and tamping pressure to mastering the steaming technique for creamy milk foam, the CX-25P empowers coffee lovers to craft exceptional espresso-based drinks. Whether you’re a seasoned barista or a novice exploring the world of espresso, this versatile espresso maker promises to enhance your coffee ritual wherever you go.